Beaufort County NOW Hits the Mark, and Surpasses a Number of Milestone's in July, 2013

    Publisher's and president's note: Just like the good dentist with bad teeth, we, especially me, Stan Deatherage, have allowed our corporate website, Symbiotic Networks, Inc. (SNI) to languish, while we, especially me, have taken our fledgling prototype, Beaufort County NOW (BCN), to new heights, building it into one of the most important, and most visited and most Searched news and information sites in northeastern North Carolina ... and all of this without initializing a serious marketing plan for BCN yet.

    Well no more, at least on the SNI part. Just as we have done wonders with BCN, we, and especially I, shall endeavor to build SNI's site, at least at a corporate level, to the steely heights of BCN. This is my promise.

    What you will witness at the SNI site today, will be markedly less than what you will see there tomorrow, for I intend to build it up - using our propriety Symbiotic Publisher content management system (the same CMS that powers BCN). As I work to complete this task, I, and my sales associate, coding associate and publishing associate, Chris Downey, will work to that same end with me as well, and we will be even more emboldened to assist the corporate / company leader, who is wise enough to know how important it is to reach out on the internet.

Tough Day for BCN, We had the slows ... Beaufort County NOW, The County NOWs, Symbiotic Publisher, Publishing SNI is a Business: A Very Creative One, but Still a Business