SNI is a Business: A Very Creative One, but Still a Business |
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Most industry, businesses: create/assemble a product that others can use, or build something for someone else by using those manufactured products, or simply provide a valuable service. What is remarkable is that we do both all three, and it has taken some time, and money to get to this point where we can begin marketing to those that would be better served to use what we have developed rather than what some might consider our competition.
I present this premise, in this fashion, because I well understand that almost everyone uses the web, and those same people partake of web services, whether they pay directly for them, or not. Furthermore, while these folks use the internet, and most prefer it to be as efficient as possible, most have no idea how it all works, or what works with configurations of the major players - primarily Google.
And even though I feel as though I am a novice in this arena, I am finding that I have a better understanding than most ad executives and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) charlatans, who are good at throwing around buzz words, and believing that at this point, everything revolves around Social Media.
While there is some validity to building a network in social media, and marketing to your friends, there are limitations - most namely: you effectively lose any measurable benefit from Search, and remember this, there are people that use the internet for finding out stuff, often rather meaningful stuff, and they will never be your meaningful Social Media friend. Believe this one truth, some hardworking, smart, influential people just will never have the time for Social Media. These folks don't languish on the internet, but they do use it to find out information that is beneficial to them and they primarily use Search.
Search is where

Why so bold Deatherage?
BCN has not even finished its fourth year since we cranked this child into existence, and yet we can compete with a major network affiliate that, by all measurable metrics, does a very fine job of presenting their product, their team journalistic efforts. Furthermore, BCN does not have a journalist staff, we do not even pretend to be journalist; however, we are a charter member of the "New Media", and by the default of the OMG (the largest coalition of the Mainstream Media), we are valued component of the remnants of the Free Press, here today in America.
Now, for the sake of making my salient point, let us put aside these claims of the collapse of the MSM (Mainstream Media) by virtue of the OMG, and BCN's reluctant ascendancy to fill that void where truth exists, and let us rhetorically ask: How could a lowly cyber site, with: only 2 very part-time writers and one part-time publisher, and one very part-time associate publisher that has never been affiliated with the print media, radio or television, and has refrained from any serious promotion, rise to the level of winning, or soon to be winning, Beaufort County's quiet, but very necessary competition for best searched site? Now, ask also ask yourself: How does that humble site get a rough average of around 4,000 readers a day banging around inside BCN at a rate of about 27 hits each?
The answer is simple: SNI's proprietary technology, Symbiotic Publisher, and our careful implementation of it.
Symbiotic Publisher powers BCN, and it is proven that it powers it well. My all-web-services creative force, Symbiotic Networks, which owns this powerful CMS (Content Management System), Symbiotic Publisher, is proud to offer to the public-at-large this device as as their nexus to better communicate their ideas, their products to those that may have a need for them.
To that end, I, or my associate, Chris Downey, will call on you at some point; however, if we don't, and you have an immediate need of what may be the best cyber communication platform offered in northeastern North Carolina, you can probably find me or my associate best on BCN. Just login and message us, we'll get with you within the hour during a normal work day, which for me may be nearly all the time.
Publisher's and president's note: Just like the good dentist with bad teeth, we, especially me, Stan Deatherage, have allowed our corporate website, Symbiotic Networks, Inc. (SNI) to languish, while we, especially me, have taken our fledgling prototype, Beaufort County NOW (BCN), to new heights, building it into one of the most important, and most visited and most Searched news and information sites in northeastern North Carolina ... and all of this without initializing a serious marketing plan for BCN yet.
Well no more, at least on the SNI part. Just as we have done wonders with BCN, we, and especially I, shall endeavor to build SNI's site, at least at a corporate level, to the steely heights of BCN. This is my promise.
What you will witness at the SNI site today, will be markedly less than what you will see there tomorrow, for I intend to build it up - using our propriety Symbiotic Publisher content management system (the same CMS that powers BCN). As I work to complete this task, I, and my sales associate, coding associate and publishing associate, Chris Downey, will work to that same end with me as well, and we will be even more emboldened to assist the corporate / company leader, who is wise enough to know how important it is to reach out on the internet.
Latest News & Updates
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We begin here by inviting others to consider Symbiotic Networks (SNI) as a career, primarily for sales people now, and additional technical experts becoming technology innovators to be hired soon after.
Published: Thursday, March 15th, 2018 @ 1:51 pm
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"I am now actively searching for those bright lights with the human condition, who can fathom simple solutions to complex problems, and capable of relating such to those we wish to do business with, as well as our fellow team members that create our world class products."
Published: Thursday, March 15th, 2018 @ 1:44 pm
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I am in the process of re-marketing BCN, with all its traffic growing greater, which insures the highest value in these published prices, and, with more value sweeteners added as an incentive to act NOW.
Published: Thursday, March 15th, 2018 @ 1:41 pm
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Beginning on September 1, 2014, maybe even now, until future notice: SNI (Symbiotic Networks, Inc.) will offer a variety of discounts for a variety of discounts to all manner of customers for a variety of incentives.
Published: Tuesday, August 26th, 2014 @ 4:06 pm
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What is SNI (Symbiotic Networks Incorporated)?
Published: Tuesday, August 26th, 2014 @ 4:06 pm
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Symbiotic Networks (SNI) has nearly completed the next strategic phase of our Symbiotic Publisher CMS (Content Management System), which will enhance our ability help our clients better market themselves and their products, now seeks capable personnel to help us attain that next level.
Published: Sunday, September 1st, 2013 @ 12:56 am
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SNI (Symbiotic Networks, Inc.), the originator of Symbiotic Publisher, which powers Beaufort County NOW (BCN), will use the remarkable success of BCN to help others that must better communicate their positions, their products.
Published: Sunday, September 1st, 2013 @ 12:44 am
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SNI (Symbiotic Networks, Inc.) had to build our product before we could market it, and now that time is drawing nigh.
Published: Sunday, September 1st, 2013 @ 12:31 am
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Symbiotic Networks Incorporated will now market its wide array of internet products. We will do this by calling of business people, even politicians, but you may contact us, as well, at your leisure.
Published: Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 @ 3:03 pm