Archived Results for 2014

[ 2014 ][ Jan ][ Mar ][ Aug ][ Sep ]

Beaufort County NOW returns to traffic pattern that better represents the growth to which we have become accustomed.
In the interest of transparency, I am compelled to publish this post even though it was not easy to do so. Why? Beaufort County Now did have a good February.
We have developed the knowledge to convert any site into responsive ones for phones and tablets; however, we have also discovered that it is much less expensive, and more efficient, to develop responsive sites from the beginning.
There are personal attributes of mine that I am continuous in my struggle to perfect: knowing internet traffic and how to collect it, and abject honesty in all things Stan.
This variation on the Jim Steinman song "Two out of Three Ain't Bad" melody, written for Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell album, best exemplifies BCN's December traffic report.
SNI (Symbiotic Networks, Inc.), the originator of Symbiotic Publisher, will use Beaufort County NOW's superior traffic base to promote our wide array of Cyber Products, and our estimable skills to help others do the same with their respective products.
With the greatest respect, well understanding that our parabolic traffic growth could 'end in a proverbial tomorrow', we here at BCN just had our best month in one of the traditionally slowest times - November in an off-election year.
Beaufort County NOW, Symbiotic Networks's prototype for their Symbiotic Publisher Content Management System (CMS), has one of its best months in traffic during the month of October, 2013, while setting its benchmark for hits per day, and per month.
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