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Our proprietary Content Management System, Symbiotic Publisher, which powers Beaufort County NOW, has just gone through a major upgrade, and we are done for now. We will be adjusting BCN's template to one that can be more easily replicated and hopefully fully Responsive to all devices.
They may wonder how they can store data in these pockets of water vapor. This article will explain how.
Recently an associate of mine in my other professional life, county government administration, expressed to me, "I really like Beaufort County NOW; however, I look at the latest articles, I see one I want to read when I find time, and when I come back its gone."
Recently an associate of mine in other professional life, county commissioner expressed to me, "I really like Beaufort County NOW; however, I look at the latest articles, I see one I want to read when I find time, and when I come back its gone."
July served as a month of firsts for Beaufort County NOW as we set a number of new standards as our readership continues to grow and the quality of our product continue to supersede our competition, but not our expectations.