Beaufort County NOW Continues to Reach Out to the Community | Symbiotic Networks, Inc.

Beaufort County NOW Continues to Reach Out to the Community

    Beaufort County NOW is a Moderated Informational Platform, and I mention that often. The concept is that we publish all content that is of a fair quality that may be of some service to the community. We are a Social site, like a Facebook, but we are moderated for quality, and Social sites, like Facebook are not.

    Facebook is well proved to provide a platform for a wide swath of people based on a series of interconnected 'Likes' that weave individuals with marketed products, or 'Candy Crush' or the next 'flavor of the day'. Alternately, Beaufort County NOW provides information upon our platform for people who wish to process knowledge or to disseminate information to their community - no 'Likes', no'Candy Crush, not what I just ate; just real, useful information.

    Consequently, unlike Facebook, BCN does not want to know your 'Likes', so we can sell them to marketers, we only want your eyes, which we have - about 10,000 pairs every day. We want more pairs of eyes, but we also want your well considered conversation on any issue that would be of any real benefit to our community, both local and regional, and possibly beyond. Real knowledge is a necessary component to practice market driven commerce, the creation of better and useful tools, and the better functioning democracy of our representative Republic. BCN and now Beaufort County Business (BCB)are here to better accomplish our growing role to help disseminate that knowledge more efficiently.

    Many inspired folks now use BCN to further promote their sundry purposes, but still not everyone, and especially community institutions use BCN. We have, and do avail ourselves to everyone. If per chance, you do not see an institution that you are associated with, found in the tens of thousands of pages of BCN, know that all institutions have been personally contacted by BCN' If you wish that your group should be better promoted to all folks, you might want to give those in charge a nudge to do so. Heck, I'll even show them how to prepare a proper press release, teach them to transmit it - not just to BCN, but to every media presence that could help them better promote their purpose.

    'We're here to help', but my time is spare, so please, if you are an involved individual, and are truly interested in filling seats or scheduling successful events: Why would you not send a properly prepared press release to the largest, most visited online presence originating in Beaufort County?

    Smart executives use whatever tools that are at hand, especially when the cost to do so is NO CHARGE. We have 10,000 pairs of eyes, on average, everyday, and I restate the obvious: 'We're here to help'.

    And believe this as well: Not everyone that uses the internet searches through a very inefficient Facebook to discover what is going on where they live. For some of us, time is our most valuable resource, and real knowledge is our tool to better accomplish our purpose.

Beaufort County NOW Uses Satellite Sites to Extend its Range and Traffic Beaufort County NOW, The County NOWs, Publishing Achieving No. 1 Status in Beaufort County was No Small Feat

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It is beginning to occur in spurts rather than sputters - BCN improving upon its past in popularity, and in a successive manner.
Not only did our server go down, but we lost nearly two and one half months of data, in short, posts, well considered posts gone.
This post should have been written almost three weeks ago, but with all that has transpired, I have been busy of late, and I have written very little about many things, but still have most of these worlds still whirling around in my head, so here goes.
Beaufort County Now has had an exemplary year, but November, 2015, after our best month ever, October, 2015, started with a whimper, but finished with a bang to top our best month ever for Unique IPs per day.
It was close, but BCN's October, 2015, month of daily traffic ascended to a level that allowed Beaufort County NOW to capture the 'brass ring' of sustained popularity to monthly best that blowout time of March, 2015, by the slimmest of margins.
Beaufort County NOW (BCN), northeastern North Carolina's only moderated Informational Platform, had yet another second best month in a row, and consistently improved in traffic, or was it our best?
Beaufort County NOW (BCN), northeastern North Carolina's only moderated Informational Platform, has consistently improved in traffic from the drop in readership after March, 2015, which was the blowout month that 'took our breath away'.
What takes an internet publication form a local communication portal - just so one might cry out a few salient ideals - to that community's dominant player, to a regional juggernaut?
Beaufort County NOW (BCN) did not have its best month to date, but it did have it's third best month so far this year, which means it was our third best month since we began it September, 2009. We'll take it.
Beaufort County NOW, originating in Beaufort County, has registered four straight months of traffic exceeding 180,000 page views per day, and, henceforth, must NOW claim the mantel of regional publication here in northeastern North Carolina.
Beaufort County NOW (BCN) will no longer be a stand alone entity, with a concentration on all subjects on God's complicated earth; BCN will now stand with Beaufort County Business (BCB) to concentrate on serving the business community in Beaufort County and the region of northeastern North Carolina.
Beaufort County NOW is now the number one website originating from Beaufort County, and trust me on this one fact: It was no 'walk in the park'.
As many of you may have noticed, there are subtle changes to Beaufort County NOW. And while they may seem insignificant to some naked eyes, they represent a major turning point for what we intend to provide, and the direction that it will be provided to the community.
Recently, I set my energies to recount to anyone that would take any interest in what we do, what we've done, and how it has, and shall further make a difference in better expressing who we are here Downeast.
Our proprietary Content Management System, Symbiotic Publisher, which powers Beaufort County NOW, has just gone through a major upgrade, and we are done for now. We will be adjusting BCN's template to one that can be more easily replicated and hopefully fully Responsive to all devices.
Last month, as our publisher of Beaufort County NOW as I was making some sense of our periodic mediocre traffic (at least for us), I stated that: "In terms of traffic, Beaufort County NOW (BCN) has hit a lull in expansion - more than we have experienced in the past."