BCN's June Traffic Exceeds April and May; Challenges March as our Strongest Month to Date |
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Due to BCN's continual ascension in its traffic numbers, arguably the strongest in northeastern North Carolina, BCN now claims regional status as a publication.
Beaufort County NOW, originating in Beaufort County, has registered four straight months of traffic exceeding 180,000 page views per day, and, henceforth, must NOW claim the mantel of regional publication here in northeastern North Carolina.
To put a strong mathematical point on this accomplishment of readership: If one supposes that each person averages 6 page views per (or impressions in the ad sales vernacular), while Beaufort County NOW exceeds 180,000 page views per day, then BCN exceeds 30,000 readers per day. To put a finer point on this expressed feat: If one argues that each person averages those 6 page views, while Beaufort County NOW averages 207,799 page views (or impressions) per day for the month of June, 2015, then BCN averages 34,633 readers per day. As you can well surmise, we reach quite a few folks per day, hence the consequent claim of regional publication, possibly the top internet publication originating in northeastern North Carolina.
To further support that admonition of fact, besides the traffic, we accept content from contributors, on issues regarding many topics, all topics actually, providing they are reasonably well presented. We fundamentally understand that we are all different folks, and to accordingly become a publication of the People, we must publish all the people, all the people, providing that they is substance in what they say, and that they express their truth as best they know it.
While BCN has the capability of acting as a self-contained Social platform, contributors don't get to represent what they just ate, where they just went, who they know; not without doing it rather well. We're not facebook; we're not trying to be. The World does not need another facebook. It does need efficient community platforms, with real information, for interested people.
Beaufort County NOW of the NOW concept is here to educate and titillate the curious mind on all issues; however, all issues that are not patently destructive to the human ego, ergo, no pornography, and as little stupidity as is possible in today's times.
But enough about my theory of outstanding content representing decent folks from all respectable 'walks of life', and without further vociferation: Here below our traffic totals for June, 2015, and the accompanying milestones of achievement:

Milestones for Beaufort County NOW: Our Growing Readership in April, May, 2015
Second Most Unique I.P.s visiting BCN per day in June - 7,450
Second Most Unique Page Views per day in June - 207,799
Second Most Hits per day in June - 267,492
If you have an interest in excellence, and a firm need to compete bigger and better than your competition on the internet, you may wish to contact:
Stan Deatherage,
Accounts Manager Publisher of BCN President of Symbiotic Networks, Inc.
SNI# (252) 946-1132 cell# (252) 944-3905
Chris Downey,
Accounts Manager Chief Technical Consultant

To put a strong mathematical point on this accomplishment of readership: If one supposes that each person averages 6 page views per (or impressions in the ad sales vernacular), while Beaufort County NOW exceeds 180,000 page views per day, then BCN exceeds 30,000 readers per day. To put a finer point on this expressed feat: If one argues that each person averages those 6 page views, while Beaufort County NOW averages 207,799 page views (or impressions) per day for the month of June, 2015, then BCN averages 34,633 readers per day. As you can well surmise, we reach quite a few folks per day, hence the consequent claim of regional publication, possibly the top internet publication originating in northeastern North Carolina.
To further support that admonition of fact, besides the traffic, we accept content from contributors, on issues regarding many topics, all topics actually, providing they are reasonably well presented. We fundamentally understand that we are all different folks, and to accordingly become a publication of the People, we must publish all the people, all the people, providing that they is substance in what they say, and that they express their truth as best they know it.
While BCN has the capability of acting as a self-contained Social platform, contributors don't get to represent what they just ate, where they just went, who they know; not without doing it rather well. We're not facebook; we're not trying to be. The World does not need another facebook. It does need efficient community platforms, with real information, for interested people.
Beaufort County NOW of the NOW concept is here to educate and titillate the curious mind on all issues; however, all issues that are not patently destructive to the human ego, ergo, no pornography, and as little stupidity as is possible in today's times.
But enough about my theory of outstanding content representing decent folks from all respectable 'walks of life', and without further vociferation: Here below our traffic totals for June, 2015, and the accompanying milestones of achievement:

Milestones for Beaufort County NOW: Our Growing Readership in April, May, 2015
Second Most Unique I.P.s visiting BCN per day in June - 7,450
Second Most Unique Page Views per day in June - 207,799
Second Most Hits per day in June - 267,492
If you have an interest in excellence, and a firm need to compete bigger and better than your competition on the internet, you may wish to contact:
Stan Deatherage,
Accounts Manager Publisher of BCN President of Symbiotic Networks, Inc.
SNI# (252) 946-1132 cell# (252) 944-3905
Chris Downey,
Accounts Manager Chief Technical Consultant
Beaufort County Business is Ready to Serve the Business Community in Conjunction with BCN | Beaufort County NOW, The County NOWs, Publishing | Beaufort County NOW Continues that Steady Path to Traffic |
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Published: Saturday, February 27th, 2016 @ 9:56 pm
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Published: Saturday, February 27th, 2016 @ 9:51 pm
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Published: Saturday, February 27th, 2016 @ 9:46 pm
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Beaufort County NOW (BCN), northeastern North Carolina's only moderated Informational Platform, had yet another second best month in a row, and consistently improved in traffic, or was it our best?
Published: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 1:44 pm
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Beaufort County NOW (BCN), northeastern North Carolina's only moderated Informational Platform, has consistently improved in traffic from the drop in readership after March, 2015, which was the blowout month that 'took our breath away'.
Published: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 1:44 pm
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What takes an internet publication form a local communication portal - just so one might cry out a few salient ideals - to that community's dominant player, to a regional juggernaut?
Published: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 1:44 pm
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Published: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 1:44 pm