BCN Exhibits Consistency: Has Best Month Again in Traffic |
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Beaufort County NOW knows the consistency that we hope in having its Best Month Ever! for the second month in a row
The month of August for BCN was nothing short of an outstanding month, where we bested our best in: unique I.P.s per day, hits, while coming in a close second in page views, and exceeding a number of important milestones, as indicated by our embedded traffic counter - Webalizer Stats.
The month of August was not only consistent in all metrics overall for the month, but, moreover, we were consistent for the month on a daily measure. Now, considering that we blew through all expectations on our most valued metric - the unique I.P.s: 2,538 uniques per day, 78,686 for the 31 day month - we can't be happier with our performance at this early stage of our prototype's development.
The month of September will be a different month, for I will put on my salesman cap for some time, and endeavor to sale our products, including BCN, face to face, wherever people need the best cyber product they can get to best express who they are, what they do. We do that every day with BCN, and our other sites. We want to help others express that which is best within themselves, their products.
And now, as I shall not endeavor to belabor any point other than what is here below, we continue forward with my exposition of our milestone busting month of August:
Milestones for Beaufort County NOW: Our Growing Readership in August, 2013
Most Unique I.P.s visiting BCN per day - 2,538 - 77.24% increase over the last 11 months.
Second most Unique Page Views per day - 11,093 - 68.13% increase over the last 11 months.
Most Hits per day - 117,873 - 94.24% increase over the last 11 months.
Most Files accessed per day - 104,675 - 84.21% increase over the last 11 months.
During the month of August, 2013, we made the benchmark of posting 379 articles within that monthly time frame. We absolutely believe in giving our readers variety and in an abundance.
During the month of August, we had our best month yet regarding the number of days above a minimum of 2000 unique I.P.s per day within a one month period. During the month of August, we had 28 days over 2,000 unique I.P.s per day, with a staggering 20 days straight about the 2,000 per day mark.
During the month of August, we had our best month yet regarding the number of days above a minimum of 100,000 hits per day within a one month period. During the month of August, we had 31 straight days over 100,000 hits per day.

The month of August was not only consistent in all metrics overall for the month, but, moreover, we were consistent for the month on a daily measure. Now, considering that we blew through all expectations on our most valued metric - the unique I.P.s: 2,538 uniques per day, 78,686 for the 31 day month - we can't be happier with our performance at this early stage of our prototype's development.
The month of September will be a different month, for I will put on my salesman cap for some time, and endeavor to sale our products, including BCN, face to face, wherever people need the best cyber product they can get to best express who they are, what they do. We do that every day with BCN, and our other sites. We want to help others express that which is best within themselves, their products.
And now, as I shall not endeavor to belabor any point other than what is here below, we continue forward with my exposition of our milestone busting month of August:
Milestones for Beaufort County NOW: Our Growing Readership in August, 2013
Most Unique I.P.s visiting BCN per day - 2,538 - 77.24% increase over the last 11 months.
Second most Unique Page Views per day - 11,093 - 68.13% increase over the last 11 months.
Most Hits per day - 117,873 - 94.24% increase over the last 11 months.
Most Files accessed per day - 104,675 - 84.21% increase over the last 11 months.
During the month of August, 2013, we made the benchmark of posting 379 articles within that monthly time frame. We absolutely believe in giving our readers variety and in an abundance.
During the month of August, we had our best month yet regarding the number of days above a minimum of 2000 unique I.P.s per day within a one month period. During the month of August, we had 28 days over 2,000 unique I.P.s per day, with a staggering 20 days straight about the 2,000 per day mark.
During the month of August, we had our best month yet regarding the number of days above a minimum of 100,000 hits per day within a one month period. During the month of August, we had 31 straight days over 100,000 hits per day.
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