Results found for moderated informational platform | Symbiotic Networks, Inc.

22 Results found for moderated informational platform

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As many of you may have noticed, there are subtle changes to Beaufort County NOW. And while they may seem insignificant to some naked eyes, they represent a major turning point for what we intend to provide, and the direction that it will be provided to the community.
Our proprietary Content Management System, Symbiotic Publisher, which powers Beaufort County NOW, has just gone through a major upgrade, and we are done for now. We will be adjusting BCN's template to one that can be more easily replicated and hopefully fully Responsive to all devices.
Beginning on September 1, 2014, maybe even now, until future notice: SNI (Symbiotic Networks, Inc.) will offer a variety of discounts for a variety of discounts to all manner of customers for a variety of incentives.
Recently an associate of mine in my other professional life, county government administration, expressed to me, "I really like Beaufort County NOW; however, I look at the latest articles, I see one I want to read when I find time, and when I come back its gone."
Symbiotic Networks (SNI) has nearly completed the next strategic phase of our Symbiotic Publisher CMS (Content Management System), which will enhance our ability help our clients better market themselves and their products, now seeks capable personnel to help us attain that next level.
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